Friday 15 July 2011

Initial Ideas On Our Own Soap Opera

I have started thinking about ideas for my groups so operas and in my head what I want it to be like. As our soap opera is going to be a brad new one I want to concentrate on more the first impression of the characters rather than the storyline. I have seen from the Student soap operas what I think works well and what doesn't, I like the idea of showing each family or group of friends individually first so you see them by there self and how they are, but I also like the idea of them all coming together at the end so our audience can see exactly what the characters are like in our soap. This is just the first idea in my head that I think is good but it doesn't mean it will defiantly happen as my group may have other ideas that will work. I am hoping our camera skills will work during filming our trailer as I think it's a crucial part of making it successful, also having good actors would benefit us because it makes the whole trailer flow a lot better, these things I will work on with my group further into our project and when we get together and all share our Ideas we will be able to think of something that we all like and all think will work.

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