Sunday 3 July 2011

Real Media Texts - Soap Opera Episodes

I had the task of watching a few episodes of soaps and noting down the characters in the soap, the settings, the number of scenes and the story lines. I did this for two Coronation Street episodes and one Emmerdale. By doing this I have learnt more about Soap Characters, Settings and Story lines, and also a Soap Trailer is based normally on a specific episode so by doing this it tells me what I need to include in the trailer as I know what is involved in the whole episode. When it comes to thinking of ideas I can then look back at this at see what story lines soaps have, what characters and how many scenes it has, this will help because normally a soap trailer covers one special episode. My soap trailer however is a brand new soap so what ever trailer we did we would need to cover more story lines and characters because our audience wouldn't know a thing about our soap.

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