Saturday 28 January 2012

Comparison Soap Operas

Our group was set the task to go off and watch an episode of each different soap and see what comparisons we could find so we could link the conventions that appear in each soap. There were 4 of us in a group so we took a Soap each, I watched Emmerdale, Cath watched Coronation Street, Yas watched Hollyoaks and Paige watched Eastenders.
After watching a episode of each Soap Opera we came back and discussed what we found some ideas we wanted to use for our Soap Opera. We all agreed that we wanted to do a modern Soap Opera more like Hollyoaks and step away from Emmerdale as it's quite a traditional rual soap which we do not want. We like the Idea of having a Bad boy in our soap which Cath found a character like this in Coronation Street and Paige found an affair story line which we thought about using in ours and creating some relationship, love triangle trouble.

Here is a link to this post on my group blog -

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