Saturday 28 January 2012

Filming Diary

Before we started to film we went to our location (photography studio) half an hour earlier so we could set up and be organized and prepared.
Once everything was set up we got the lighting sorted so it looked professional and we practiced some camera angles before the actors would arrive.
We decided to have the actors showing up at different times so the 4 girls (3 bitchy and 1 innocent) showed up first because they were the first people to appear in our our soap and so on but then everyone would be together at the end so we can get the group shots.
Once the 4 girl actors arrived we started filming them entering and the "bullying, jealousy" storyline. Because this was the first part we were filming it was difficult because once the camera was set up it had to stay in that position. The girls did as we said so once this part was filmed the next actors had arrived, (2 business men).
Whilst filming the business men the remaining actors (4 girls) had to stay in the same position in the studio for our continuity to work. It was hard filming the business men scene because they didn't really understand what we were telling them to do so we had to keep cutting and re-filming as to make sure we got a perfect shot. This then put us behind because the next actor (bachelor) had already arrived so we were running late.
The bachelor is involved in a shoreline with the business man who have a handshake whilst exchanging drugs. This shot was extremely difficult because they had to slip a bit of paper into each others hands whilst shaking hands but it had to run smoothly. We finally got this shot sorted and were ready to film the mother and son part (by this point all the actors who had been there were getting wrestless and it was quite stressful for us to film as there was more people in the room and we were behind. Filming the mother and son part was going to be difficult because we were using a 6 year old boy who would be hard to work with because you have to carefully explain to him what to do and you know it's not going to run smoothly the first time. This took about 10 shots to get right but our final actors hadn't arrived yet so it took a bit of pressure off.
Once we had filmed the mother and son part the last two actors still hadn't arrived which caused a problem because the current actors in the room were just getting as fed up as we were.
Finally once the couple had arrived we filmed there bit which was simple because everyone did as they were told so we could get it filmed properly and everyone could go home.

Overall this was ok filming, however as more of the actors started arriving it got more stressful for us especially when we started getting behind schedule.

We started to upload our film to the blog and it all looked good until a big problem occurred. The part where the couple arrived had been lost in the uploading process and was lost. This was possibly the worst bit of film to loose because we couldn't exactly cut them out as they were in the shot at the very end. We only had one option and this was to refill.

We wasn't able to get the photography studio again so we decided to bring the couple shoreline out of the studio, we ended up re-filming in our sixth-form block which is new and modern and we used the stairs which were going to be shown as leading up to the studio.

Although it is annoying to re-film this did go fine because we only had to re-film to people and they were very helpful and did exactly what we said, so this filming only took half an hour. The shots were very simple and because we were very organized and rehearsed it went very smoothly.

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