Saturday 28 January 2012


-We all like the idea of using a photography studio to introduce our characters to the audience as this is going to be a new soap so no one will have any idea of the characters.
-We will be able to focus more on the character and storyline as we are using a minimalistic location which is very plain.
-It was easy to get permission to use the studio as one of our members in our group has a family member who is letting us use it free of charge.
-We will not have to change our filming plans on the day because of the weather as we are filming in an interior setting.
-This also means we don’t have to worry about the weather getting dark so we don’t have to rush our filming and can take as much time as we need.
-As our soap opera is having a “Glamorous” theme, a studio is the best location of our choices as a photo-shoot does seem very glamorous!
Here is the link on my group blog of "Location Scouting" -

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