Saturday 28 January 2012

Soap Opera Facts

We gathered as a group after completing research on "Soap Opera History" and discussed the information that we found to collect "key soap opera facts". 
The soap opera facts we found include:
  • When Soap Operas first appeared.
  • What the longest running soap is.
  • When Soap Operas are shown.

We then went on to find Key Conventions of a Soap Opera and some of the conventions we found were:
  • Domestic drama
  • Set in a fictional street area
  • Similar characters (villain)
  • Open narrative
  • Domestic themes
  • Distinctive theme tune

After doing this task it has made my knowledge on soaps a lot better, now I know especially the conventions of a soap I can focus on them to help me and my group with our trailer and what we should include. Although Episodes and Trailers will have different conventions they do link together so the information will benefit me when I come to brainstorm what ideas to have for my groups trailer. I will be able to use this information when planning my groups Soap Trailer.

Here is the link to my groups post on "Key Soap Opera Facts"

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