Saturday 28 January 2012

Soap Moodboards

To help me and my group explore some ideas for our soap opera we went and created some mood boards on the following headings 
  • Characters
  • Glamour
  • Location
  • Story lines

We did a mood board on characters to help us think about the different type of typical characters there are in different soaps, some of the characters we found were "Bad Boy", "Comic Child", "Couple", "Bitchy girl" and "Old wise pensioner", we could consider having some of these characters in our Soap Opera.

As we want our Soap Opera to be High Class we did a mood board on "Glamour", this would include props, costume and location. Some of the images we found were "Champagne", "Big Cars", "Diamonds", "Bling", "Designer fashion", "Big houses" and "Hot tubs". All of this would make a High Class Glamorous soap trailer so we can think about incorporating some of these into our soap. 

Location is a very important part of making a soap trailer so we did a mood board on "Setting and Location", the images we collected were mostly of "Big Modern Houses", " Detailed Interior Bedroom", "Flash Gardens" and "Expensive Furniture". We will need to think really carefully about our location of our Soap Trailer because we want it to come across high class, with these images it will help us decided exactly what we want.

Lastly we did a mood board on Story lines, the story lines we found in our images were "Couples", "Arguing", "Weddings", "Death", "Pregnancy", "Car Crash", "Bulling" and "Fire. We need to think about the story lines to include in our trailer and this mood board will give us some ideas or even develop some ideas or our own. 

By doing these 4 mood boards it has made our mind think about the decisions we have to make to produce our trailer, it has given us some ideas we want to try and some ideas we want to avoid. It has made us creative and really start to consider what we should do for trailer.

Here are the links to the 4 mood boards on my group blog:

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